Saturday, April 26, 2008

Should I start blogging again?

I'm not even sure I can remember I'll try.

First of daughter had a little boy. I guess that was about 11 months ago now though...! He is a sweet little boy. He was born in Ontario and grandma (me) lived in B.C. so it was tough at first but now we've all moved to a small town in Saskatchewan and my sweet little guy just lives a street away! It's fun having them so close.

Yes...we move half way across the country last fall and are now living in small town, Saskatchewan.

Maybe I should add a picture? I apologize that I don't really know who to give credit to for the template and papers in this scrapbook page that I did of my grandbaby. I haven't digi-scrapped in soooo long that I just wanted to quickly give it a try again and I didn't take note of what I even used.'s Stephen enjoying a little chocolate on Easter...


Elle Jay Bee said...

Hi Marianne,
Thank you so much for taking the time to not only visit my blog, but to leave me such a kind comment as well.

I so admire that you are a homeschooling mum (of eight?!!). My sister also homeschools her brood, and I feel so proud of her and the efforts she puts forth to prepare her children for adulthood. She'll often bemoan the fact that her home is "well-worn" and comfortably messy, but I remind her that if her home was too tidy, then she would be taking away from schooling her children, and the precious little time she takes for herself would shrivel to nothing. Hers is a home that is cozy and welcoming, and I suspect yours is, too...

Good luck with your blog, and to answer your question: only do it if you get something out of it. I find mine to be a great place to chronicle the growing pains of my home and family, and is a place to record what is going on in our lives at a given moment. It is a LOT of work, though...

Have a great weekend!

Raesha D said...

Yes you should start blogging again!! I love the layout - what a cutie. Congrats on all the new happenings!!

Mia said...

Dear Marianne! Thank you so much for your lovely comments in my blog regarding me closing it down, and then keeping it going after all. Your kind words really touched me, and I treasure them. And I am happy to be back. I do hope you will continue to enjoy visiting every now and then. And do keep blogging!